About us

SORA project [SORA Blockchain PoW/PoS Hybrid] will be relocated to Wyoming, the heart of Web3 and blockchain! We are currently in the process of handling the necessary procedures.
This project was launched in 2018 as an initiative to experiment with the implementation of quantum resistance and similar features.
Since then, several types of quantum-resistant transactions have been developed and successfully implemented on L1. Details of each quantum-resistant implementation will be thoroughly compiled and shared on this site.
The system has been designed to allow for the testing of up to 256 different types of quantum resistance. This enables the immediate deployment of efficient quantum resistance to the main network as soon as it is discovered.
Moreover, quantum resistance implemented in the past will continue to be supported, ensuring that coins associated with these implementations remain secure. They will not be lost due to hard forks, soft forks, or similar events, guaranteeing safety by design.